Need help? Take a look at some of the most frequently asked questions

Is free delivery available?

We offer free shipping for orders from the following countries: the USA, New Zealand, Australia, Canada, and the UK. Whether you're ordering one item or several, you can rest assured that you won't pay a penny more for shipping than necessary.

Can I track my order?

Yes, once your order has shipped, you will receive a tracking number via email. You can use this tracking number to track your order online and get real-time updates on its status.

Do you ship internationally?

Yes, We're proud to offer international shipping to our customers in theUSA,Australia,New Zealand,United Kingdom, andCanada. We partner with trusted carriers to ensure your order arrives at your doorstep in a timely and secure manner.

How long will it take to receive my order?

Most orders are processed within 3 business days, and our estimated delivery time is 1-9 business days. We use reliable carriers to ensure your order arrives on time and in great condition.

How can I contact customer support if I have a question or concern?

If you have any further questions or queries, please email us at support@anmutco.com

What is your return policy?

We offer a 30-day money-back guarantee on all of our products. If you are not satisfied with your purchase, you can return it for a full refund or exchange.

How do I return a product?

If you're not satisfied with your purchase for any reason, you can initiate a return within 30 days of receiving your order. Simply contact our customer service team to request a return authorization number and instructions on how to return your item. You will be responsible for paying for your shipping costs for $19.90. Learn more

What payment methods do you accept?

We accept MasterCard, Visa, American Express, PayPal, Discover, Diners Club, Google Pay, and Meta Pay.

What materials do you use in your products?

We use only the highest-quality materials in our products, including premium fabrics, durable metals, and high-grade plastics. We stand behind the quality of our products and are confident that you will be satisfied with your purchase.

Are your products environmentally friendly?

Yes, we strive to be as environmentally friendly as possible. We use sustainable materials whenever possible, and we make every effort to reduce waste in our manufacturing processes.

Do you offer any discounts or promotions?

Yes, we occasionally offer discounts and promotions to our customers. Be sure to sign up for our newsletter to stay up-to-date on the latest offers and promotions.

What do your customers say about your products?

Our customers love our products! Check out our reviews page to read what our customers have to say about their experiences with us.

How do I know if your products are high-quality?

We pride ourselves on using only the highest-quality materials and manufacturing processes to ensure that our products meet our customers' expectations. In addition, we offer a satisfaction guarantee on all of our products, so if you're not completely satisfied with your purchase, we'll make it right.

How do I know if a product is in stock?

All of our products that are available for purchase on our website are currently in stock. If a product is out of stock, it will be marked as such on the product page and you will not be able to add it to your cart.

What if I have a problem with my order?

If you have any issues with your order, please contact our customer service team right away. We will do everything we can to resolve the issue and ensure that you're completely satisfied with your purchase.